
Clear Excess Heat and Restore Harmony by Balancing the Fire Element with Traditional Chinese Medicine

older lady having a headache

Introduction Are you feeling more irritated or restless lately? And at the same time, do you experience fever, mouth ulcers or skin rashes? Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) would say these could be signs of excess heat in your body. Excess heat is a condition characterised by an overabundance of the fire element within the body.

Unwind Naturally: Five Superpower Chinese Herbs in Traditional Chinese Medicine Used to Relieve Stress and Restore Balance

woman working late having stress and migraine

Introduction In the relentless hustle and bustle of our modern world, stress has become an inevitable part of our lives. From the demanding pressures of work to the weight of personal responsibilities, it is easy to feel overwhelmed by the incessant demands that tug at our sleeves. According to recent surveys, approximately 50% of Singaporean

Boosting Your Immune System Naturally with Traditional Chinese Medicine During Flu Season

lady wearing a mask coughing on a train

As flu season approaches, you must equip your body with the ultimate shield against invaders. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) offers a holistic approach to enhancing immunity, balancing the body’s energy and addressing the root causes of health issues. In this article, we will explore the TCM perspective on immunity and the practices that can help

Achieving Lung Health with TCM: Understanding the Impact of Lung Yin and Yang Imbalances on Respiratory Function

lady enjoying nature next to a waterfall in a park

Maintaining optimal respiratory health is of utmost importance for our overall well-being, as it plays a fundamental role in the proper functioning of our body. At the core of the respiratory system, the lungs bear a vital responsibility – facilitating the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the air we breathe and our bloodstream.