Nature’s Green Painful Urination Relieving Tablets 60s

SKU: SGTFFS | Weight: 62 g | Dimensions: 5.3 x 5.3 x 9 cm

Painful Urination Relieving Tablets are based on a classical Chinese herbal prescription and made into concentrated tablets with modern pharmaceutical technology. The product has the unique function of promoting urination and expelling urinary calculi. It helps relieve the symptoms of back pain, painful urination, increased urinary frequency and difficult in urination due to urinary stones.

  • ACTION & INDICATIONS: Promotes urination and expels urinary calculi. Used for dysuria with difficult painful urination and lithangiuria due to accumulated damp-heat.
  • DOSAGE: For oral administration, take 4 tablets, 3 times daily.
  • CONTRAINDICATIONS: Used with caution for pregnant women.
  • SIDE EFFECTS: Not known.
  • STORAGE: Keep well sealed and store in a cool, dry place


SKU: SGTFFS | 重量:62 g | 尺寸:5.3 x 5.3 x 9 cm


  • 功能与主治:清热利湿,通淋排石。用于膀胱湿热,石淋涩痛,尿路结石,泌尿系感染属肝胆膀胱湿热者。
  • 用法与用量:口服,一次4片,一日3次。
  • 禁忌: 孕妇慎用。
  • 贮藏:密封,置阴凉干燥处。

Ingredients List / 成分:

Each 420mg tablet contains extracts equivalent to raw herbs / 每粒420mg含提取物相当于原药材:

Herba Desmodii Styracifolii 广金钱草 2250mg

Folium Pryyosiae 石韦 750mg

Spora Lygodii 海金沙 750mg

Caulis Lonicerae 忍冬藤 750mg

Talcum 滑石 37.5mg

Herba Desmodii Styracifolii 广金钱草 2250mg

Folium Pryyosiae 石韦 750mg

Spora Lygodii 海金沙 750mg

Caulis Lonicerae 忍冬藤 750mg

Talcum 滑石 37.5mg